Sonia Erhard

Trainer in oral art

Languages : English – French

Based in Paris, France

Public speech

Emotional Management

Potential Development

Certified master coach (MCC by the Haute Ecole de Coaching, Paris), european ratification.

Public speech trainer and coach in the CCI (Chamber of Commerce and Industry) 11 years

Public speech trainer and coach for PSA, EDF, Danone, M6, Randstatt,  – 7 years

UK Marketing and PR agent in Première Vision (4 years)

Actress and singer (Theatre, street thetre and film industry) – 13 years

Author (plays, songs, scripts) – 7 years

I deeply believe in the power of the Present : « As for the future, your task is not to foresee it, but to enable it. » Antoine de Saint Exupéry 


Inis alga means “noble island” in Celtic:

It represents the best version of oneself, a destination yet undiscovered.

Let us guide you to your Inis Alga!

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