Empowering People, Teams, and Organizations
Co-creating a more humane, meaningful, and efficient work environment.

Discovering the best version of yourself
Empowering People, Teams, and Organizations
Co-creating a more humane, meaningful, and efficient work environment.

who we serve
Individuals / Teams / Organizations
All entities naturally desire to improve, satisfy, and find balance in life.
Individual/Manager/CEO – You contend with enormous pressure, face new challenges, or wonder about your next steps, personally and professionally
Executive Committee or Team – You demonstrate active collaboration and harness collective intelligence with a shared vision
Company or Institution – You manage a dynamic business model, re-inventing and shaping strategy to remain sustainable, effective, and relevant.
main clients include

who we are
An international cadre of certified analytical and creative professionals based in 6 countries.
We embody diversity while sharing a common set of professional values and ethics.
We stand ready to actively listen to your specific needs, coach you and/or your team anywhere in the world.
We are excited to facilitate your transformation in the rational, emotional and behavioral dimensions

what we offer
Inis Alga proffers customized professional coaching to guide you on a journey of improvement and empowerment
Customized professional coaching not only improves self-awareness but also serves as a catalyst for sustainable transformation, on an individual, team, or organizational level
Inis Alga can guide you on this journey-improving performance and morale, ushering in change, or en route to a new goal.
- Coaching is “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential” (ICF)
- It is a means to explore concerns, opportunities, goals, challenges, a focused, finite experience with a beginning, middle, and end, an active, dynamic reciprocal process
- A regulated profession with multiple, demanding certifications, underpinned by core competencies, and a code of ethics.
- Today’s work environment is filled with technology and a hectic pace; it is both exciting and anxiety-producing;
- Coaching helps people take a step back, gain perspective, verbalize vulnerabilities, discover for themselves new thoughts, beliefs, perceptions, emotions, moods, address feelings of isolation or executive loneliness, question modes of operation, create heightened awareness -behavior, emotions, and frame of reference- and change, cultivate the ability to envision new options
- Coaching strengthens ability to take action “right now” and achieve what is important to individuals, teams or organizations.
- Individual Coaching: leading in the digital age, managing your energy and perspective, dealing with complexity, stress, emotions, work/life imbalance, career aspiration
- Team Coaching: building or mobilizing a team around a shared vision, developing solutions cooperatively, forging team strength and growth
- Organizational Coaching: promoting collective intelligence and agility, transforming the mindset, managing change, setting a new course, revamping perspective, invigorating staff, designing new strategy.

client testimonials
Organizations, you promote collective intelligence, you want to transform the company’s culture or design a new strategy
Teams, you feel it’s time to mobilize around a shared vision, develop collaborative solutions, or understand the positive impact of cohesion
Individuals, you would like to be more aligned with yourself, to manage your energy or your emotions better, improve your leadership skills
Laurence, CEO of an entity in a leading Group (€ 24 billion sales, 251,000 employees).
David F, Director in charge of a 1,500 FTE entity, newly appointed as an Executive Committee member of one of the Group’s two divisions (€ 1bn turnover, 12,500 people).
David, Human Resources Director of an entity (45,000 employees) of a leading International Group (348,000 employees, sales of € 83 billion).

We resoundingly believe that excellent coaching is reflected in a completed job, with the outcome of client autonomy.
- Inis Alga is built upon the foundation of rigorous International Coaching Federation core competencies: integrity, excellence, collaboration, and respect
- We recognize the importance and value in embodying the principles that guide our work; we must live what we teach
- We partner with clients in a shared quest for excellence; your success is our goal.
- Growth of our business is not an objective in and of itself; it is the consequence of a high level of satisfaction of our clients
- Coaching is emotionally engaging; it requires the Coach to exemplify discipline, introspection, well-being, patience, and perspective
- We firmly believe that YOU know what is best for you, that humility is necessary for openness, adversity is a good teacher, and humor is an essential tool.
- Our worldwide coaching staff is united around shared values and a common mission: to empower people, teams and organizations
- We abide by the fact that we can do together what we are unable to do alone
- We know how to say, “No” when we do not know how to accomplish something, and we respect allocated budgets

publications & media
By sharing with you our expertise, we contribute, in our own way, to a more open, more lucid world.
Inis alga means “noble island” in Celtic:
It represents the best version of oneself, a destination yet undiscovered.
Let us guide you to your Inis Alga!
Barcelona – Brussels – Dubaï – London – Paris – Stockholm